Thursday, October 18, 2007

Another Trade

Nate gets: Magglio Ordonez
Tom gets: Tim's 6th round pick (via Nate)

*Tom, for some reason thought that he would be able to keep Ordonez along with his two keepers that he wanted to keep from his team. I'm not sure why he thought he could get a 1st round pick (if back in the draft pool) in exchange for a 6th, but regardless, he didn't want to keep Ordonez over his two keepers. So...I will make his mistake less of a hit and give him the pick (within the round) that he traded. case you're scoring at home, like I know John is! I traded a 4th and a 6th and I got David Wright and Magglio Ordonez.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Trades...After John Crary Approval

Amended from before:

Bare gets Mark Teixeira...Mac gets Bare's 6th round pick

Nate gets David Wright...Bare gets Crary's 4th round pick (from Nate)

Tom gets Magglio Ordonez...Bill gets Tom's 6th round pick

Friday, October 12, 2007


I have a three way trade to announce:

Bare gets: Mark Teixeira
Nate gets: David Wright
McPoland gets: Tim's 6th round pick (via Nate)

*In case you're wondering if it is legal for me to reacquire Wright, the answer is yes. I traded Wright in a trade that did not involve any draft picks. The rule preventing reacquiring players is only in effect if you trade a player for a draft pick, you can't get that player back (essentially renting that player).