Monday, April 9, 2007

Game 5 quirky schedule

Next Series Monday(Phillies-Mets ONLY)/Tuesday-Wednesday

Junebug (4-0) vs. Miller Genuine Draft (2-2)
Big Mac Attack (2-2) vs. Mr. Kesuke (0-4)
Buck Coats (4-0) vs. Easy Company (4-0)
Schrute Farm (0-4) vs. Porchmonkeys 4 Life (1-3)
Spring Break Shark Attack (3-1) vs. Sanjaya's Barber (1-3)
Deja Vu Part 2 (3-1) vs. Crardawgs (0-4)

*I forgot to specify the weird schedule where TUESDAY'S GAME (Game 5 Only) will have the Mets and Phillies players playing on Monday. If you left any Phillies or Mets in your lineup, they will stay there...conversely, if you wanted to start a Met or Phillie and didn't by right about now...sorry, but it's too bad. This is the only game of the season that splits up days like this. Sorry for any problems it may cause you.

My team sucks ass.

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