Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rainy Day Women

Due to the number of games called by rain, I have decided to make Game 9 spread out over Sunday AND Monday. If one or more of the ten teams that were rained out on Sunday get postponed again on Monday for whatever reason, that's just the way it will go.

If a team plays both Sunday and Monday, Sunday's game is the game I will take the scores from.

I'm sorry if some of you scrambled to field lineups to go with all the cancellations, but it's a pretty simple solution since every team is scheduled to play either Sunday or Monday and nothing like this has ever happened before.

On a more concerning note, those of you that have Charter for your email, I have been getting delivery failure notices to almost every email I send to you guys. I don't know if there is some kind of "spam" filter on your emails or what, you should probably check your settings, since a lot of my emails, especially regarding transactions, come up looking the same, etc. and I know from experience that some programs take it upon themselves to block shit like that. Specifically I'm talking to Crary, Dan, Junebug, and Bill.

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