Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finding Out a Player's Position Eligibility

I've said many times that it is up to you to find out when a particular player has started a game at a position that he normally does not. Sure, player pages say how many games a player has played at each position, but I haven't been able to find one that lists STARTS at each position. From personal experience, I know this can be a frustrating task and may entail looking through dozens of box scores to come across proof of information you know is correct.

Those days appear over. Ironically, John McPoland, probably the least computer savvy owner in our league has discovered a place on the web that will answer any position eligibility question for any player. Go to mlb.com...click on whatever team you need to....click on stats....click on the player, and it will list how many games played at each position along with starts at those positions under fielding statistics.

Thanks Mac.

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