Thursday, June 11, 2009


We're not officially at the halfway point, but since I won't have computer access when we do get there, I thought I'd give a little first half write up.

Games 49 and 50 are Friday and Saturday. I am leaving for North Dakota on Saturday afternoon, so Saturday's finals will NOT be posted until Friday June 19th, which would also be the day that we resume play with Game 51.

Anyway, here's how the playoff picture looks as of today:


Bill is riding an eight game winning streak, and has taken a 2 game lead for the #1 seed. As always, Bill mixes and matches his lineups based on matchups, and seems to make the right decision more often than not. He also seems to squeeze out the 30-28 wins more often than not.

NOTABLE: David Ortiz has gone from keeper to major scrub.



Bare has a first round bye as of right now, and also is second in points, flip flopping with Crary every other day or so for the free ride that goes with having the most points. Injuries to Rickie Weeks, Alex Gordon, and now Josh Hamilton have slowed him down a bit. But when there's an opportunity to improve by trade, Bare is never shy.

NOTABLE: Joe Mauer's numbers are MVP worthy, and he missed the entire month of April.


3. CRARDAWGS (30-18)

Crary seems to have the scariest team in the league, as I've heard from multiple league members make comments about having to play Crary, or not having to play Crary again, etc. But the last 10 games or so, have shown us that his team is definitely not immune to slumping.

NOTABLE: Nelson Cruz apparently has developed into an untouchable commodity.



Tom's team has been comfortably in the playoffs as the #4 seed virtually all season. However, his team has scored BELOW 30 in 6 out of the last 10 games...including some downright awful totals in the 20s, teens, and even a 9.5! Tom also traded consistent points producer Carl Crawford, and basically replaced him in his lineup with a Jose Guillen/Melky Cabrera platoon, ignoring what seemed to be the best player he got in return in that deal, Aubrey Huff. The trade was definitely a head scratcher. Tom's scores as of late indicate that the race for the final three playoff spots could be wide open.

NOTABLE: Jorge Posada has missed some time this year, but his production has made him a poor-man's Joe Mauer.



They're giving up...they're back in it...they're giving up...they're going for it. Dan and Matt started the fire sale, then abruptly stopped. But sources say management is not happy with their performance as of late, so will they try to sell off the rest of their commodities of worth? Only time will tell, but as of right now they're still in the playoffs, and not even the lowest seed.

NOTABLE: Juan Pierre has become a decent starting option since Manny Ramirez was suspended.



I have no idea how many irons Timmy has in the fire. But from what I can gather, there is a lot. Trades, pickups, drops, more pickups, more drops...all the moves have Tim's team on the rise, and if you look at his team with the other two wild card teams as of now, I'd have to say that Tim's the safest bet to make the playoffs. By the way, congratulations to Timmy for transaction number 50 with his pickup of Wily Aybar!!!!!!

NOTABLE: Ben Zobrist has become that player that pops up out of nowhere every year to become a fantasy stud. Eligible at 2B-SS-OF, he's become an important piece to the Queefs.


7. MORNING WOOD (23-25)

A Nick win, and a Timmy loss next game propels Nick in to the playoffs, it's that close. Usual suspects Albert Pujols and Dustin Pedroia are the faces of the franchise. We'll find out if Nick has enough firepower other than those two to be a legit playoff team.

NOTABLE: Bengi Molina is ANOTHER catcher who has put up great point totals this season. What's looked at as a weak position every year in the draft (at least by me) is actually a strong one.


8. BUG (22-26)

Bug aka The BK Farmer is hanging around also. He had to deal with losing ARod for a while. Then he got ARod back, and lost his other keeper, Carlos Quentin. Raul Ibanez didn't make an appearance in his lineup for quite some time, and I probably erred when I inquired about him for a trade, because the day after, he was in there, and hasn't left since.

NOTABLE: Ibanez. And the fact that it has been confirmed that ARod's name was floating around in some trade rumors...however good luck with any team interested, as it's a well known fact that making trades with Bug is a slow, painful process.


9. BIG MAC ATTACK (21-27)

Mac has another team hanging around with a mediocre record, but definitely has legit playoff dreams due to the watered down teams after the top three or so. Mac thought Alexei Ramirez would be eligbile at 2B all year, but after the first month it was obvious that wouldn't be the case. Add in a season ending injury to Akinori Iwamura, and poof you have Edwin Maysonet at 2B. John might want to remedy that situation if he wants to seriously contend.

NOTABLE: Johnny Damon has become relevant again.


10. HANG DAI WU (20-28)

On paper, my team is good. However, I can't seem to get a bunch of players to get on some hot streaks at the same time. Nick Markakis started off on fire and Justin Upton wasn't even playing everyday. Now, Justin Upton is showing signs of superstardom at age 21, and Markakis has seen his BA go from .385 to .285. If I can get those two raking at the same time, along with my other players...I could be a threat now that I've taken care of my pitching situation.

NOTABLE: David Wright has 4 Home Runs...but I haven't really noticed his production being awful.


11. HIGH AND TIGHT (19-29)

Well Chris hasn't caved and traded anyone, even though rumors out there have him being flooded with offers. I chuckled a bit when he told me a couple weeks ago that he wasn't ready to throw in the towel, but now with him being only 1 game behind me, I guess the joke's on me. Either that, or I'm delusional in thinking that my team still has a shot.

NOTABLE: Andre Ethier has been tearing it up.



Andy officially started looking to next year, acquiring a 4th, 5th, and 9th so far. Even after trading off his most valuable pieces, save Morneau and Soriano, he seems to have some big games out of some guys. Jose Lopez has been raking, but then it seems like he can't even get 10 from the rest of his team when someone has 20 or so all on his own.

NOTABLE: Jose Lopez would sure look good in a Big Mac Attack uniform. Hint.

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