Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The new? keeper declaration day will be Sunday, March 14 at 12:00 NOON.

But unless you anticipate making trades, there's really no point to wait until then. Three teams already have keepers declared (UNOFFICIALLY).

Anyone else ready to declare? Send me an email.


You can now click on the 2010 Schedule and Game Dates on the right.

You will notice a couple things. First off, on some of the games there will be a delay with me updating the standings and doing scores.

Second, last year we had a "Halfway Point" Break. This year we will have a break as well, but a little later. I apologize for how close it is to the All Star Break, but I will be on vacation and I don't want to come back to a confusing mess as far as transactions...lineups, and scores for 8 or 10 games. I will still be on vacation on through July 5, but it won't be as bad to come back to update and score 3 games.

If you care enough, you can go through the schedule and verify that you play each team in your division 12 times, and every other team 8 times. I did it for my team, and it worked.