Thursday, August 23, 2012

Up to the minute...

1.  Chris  62-36:   Needs one win to clinch the division and #1 seed.  A loss to Tim on Friday lays it all on the line on Saturday.

2.  Bare  59-39:    Has clinched the #2 seed and first round bye.

3.  Nick 56-42:  Needs one more win to clinch the division and #3 seed.  A loss to Bug on Friday lays it all on the line Saturday.

4.  Tim  62-36:    Needs to win final two games against Chris or will be #4 seed.

5.  Bill  55-43:  Will be locked in to #5 seed with one more win or one more Bug loss.

6.  Bug  54-44:  Needs to win final two games to have a chance at division and #3 seed.  One more loss locks him in the #6 seed.

So, essentially Saturday's regular season finale will either be very exciting with one or two "$50 games" for division titles, or could be totally meaningless.

Let's also give it up to Phil for reaching the 30 win mark.  Bravo Phil!

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