Thursday, August 8, 2013


12 games and a little over 2 weeks remain in the 2013 regular season.  Here's a rundown on where everyone stands.

1.  WHAMMY!  (60-28)  Even a mid week sweep at the hands of Tim doesn't seem to sting as I still hold a comfortable five game lead over Bill and the probable first round bye and first seed that comes with the Pabst Division title.  I've already clinched a playoff spot, and if I go 8-4 over the final 12 games it doesn't matter if Bill would go 12-0.

2.  GIN AND JEWCED  (51-37)  Tim has been red hot over the last couple weeks, and has taken over the top spot in the Blatz Division, albeit only by one game.  Tim also has a comfortable lead in the points race and the prize money that comes with it over the two other realistic challengers Bill and Nate.

3.  THE DIRTY BURGER  (47-41)  Andy hasn't been quite as good as he was earlier in the season, but he still has a comfortable six game lead in the Schlitz Division with 12 to play.  This weekend brings in a huge three game set against Junebug.  A sweep pretty much eliminates Bug, and possibly gives Andy the division this weekend.  A 2-1 series win would also guarantee Andy holds a six game lead with nine to play.  Even one win would ensure he has a four game lead with nine to play. Where it gets interesting is if Andy were to get swept by Bug this weekend. 

4.  THE BIG BAD MOUSE  (55-33)  As I said above, Bill needs a lot of help to get to that top spot in the Pabst.  He does close out the season with a four game set against me, but obviously he'd like to make up three or four games in the next 8 to be in striking distance that last series.  It's possible I guess. 

5.  RIZZ MOPPERS  (50-38)  Chris lost the division lead (for now) but is still hanging tough and is poised to at least keep playing once the playoffs begin.  He definitely still has a shot at a division title and possible first round bye.  Chris and Tim square off in that last four game series and unlike Bill, Chris could control his own destiny being only one game back as of now.

6.  MILLER GENUINE DRAFT  (46-42)  Tom has been scuffling lately but as of now is still in the playoffs, and has a five game lead for that final spot.  He's pretty much been in the hunt for the Blatz Division all year, and that might not be in the cards anymore, but if he can just go about .500 the rest of the way, he SHOULD be all right.

7.  JUNEBUG  (41-47)  Bug has a nice opportunity this weekend as I said earlier, but is he ready to seize it?  There are some definite lineup errors in play right now...guys that are on the DL.  But of course, he can still make gains while playing guys that aren't playing...that's Junebug's luck for you.  He'll need to pay attention the rest of the way to have a shot. 

8.  WARE'S MY LEG?  (40-48)  Something tells me Bare has given up his quest for the playoffs as his lineups have not been coming in as usual, but if Junebug can sweep Andy this weekend, and Bare can do the same, he's still got a decent shot....and Bug and Bare shouldn't forget about Tom's vulnerability for the final spot as well.

9.  FLIGHT 666  (37-51)  While not mathematically eliminated yet, it would pretty much take a miraculous run for Andy to make the playoffs for the first time. 

10.  BONES  (36-52)  See above.

11.  THE LEAPFROGS  (36-52)  Ditto.

12.  JANESVILLE ASTROS  (29-59)  Nick is officially eliminated from the playoffs.  At least football season is here. 


Tim  3961.5
Bill   3840
Nate  3819.5

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