Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Playoff Update

1.  Nate   LOCKED
2.  Chris/Tim
3.  Dongo  LOCKED
4.  Bill  LOCKED
5.  Tim/Chris
6.  Tom  LOCKED  **

Tom holds a 277 point lead on Junebug and since they tied the season series, I'm going to go ahead and declare Tom in the playoffs.  He'll be taking on Dongo in the first round starting next week.

So the only remaining question for the playoffs is who will get that #2 seed and first round bye, and who will meet up with Bill in the first round.  Chris' magic number is ONE.  So Tim has to win the last three games of the series/season to take the division.  If Chris wins today, we're all playing meaningless games on Friday and Saturday with an off day on Sunday.  Best of 5 First Round starts Tuesday.

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