Sunday, August 10, 2014

1.  Nate   55-38  *Clinched playoff spot, Magic # = 1 to clinch division and first round bye
2.  Bill  54-39  *Clinched division;  Magic #=2 to clinch first round bye
3.  Tim  48-45
4.  Bug  49-44
5.  Phil  48-45
6.  Bare  47-46
7.  Chris  46-47
8.  Nick  46-47
9.  Bones  44-49
10.  Dave  43-50
11.  Andy  42-51
12.  Tom  37-56      *Eliminated

Bare over Nick  
Phil over Bare
Phil over Chris
Chris over Nick
Bug over Tim
Chris over Tim
Tim over Nick
Bare over Tim (three games left; one win solidifies for Bare)
Tim and Phil tied (four games left as of 8/4)

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