Monday, August 11, 2014

Six games left...

1.  Nate   55-39  *Clinched Playoff Spot;  Magic # = 2 to clinch division and first round bye
2.  Bill   54-40    *Clinched Sheep Division;  Magic # =2 to clinch first round bye
3.  Tim  49-45
4.  Bug  50-44
5.  Phil  48-46
6.  Bare  47-47
7.  Nick  47-47
8.  Chris 46-48
9.  Bones  45-49
10.  Dave  44-50
11.  Andy  43-51
12.  Tom  37-57    *Eliminated

Bare over Nick
Chris over Nick
Bare and Chris SPLIT (goes to points)  
Phil over Bare
Phil over Chris
Bug over Tim
Chris over Tim
Tim over Nick
Bare over Tim (two games left; one win solidifies for Bare)
Tim and Phil tied (4 games left)
Nate and Bug tied (4 games left)
Tim over Nate
Nate over Bill

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