Monday, August 18, 2014

Final game playoff answers...

  • If Phil wins, he will play Junebug in first round of playoffs.  

  • If Phil loses, then it will depend on Bare. If Phil loses and Bare wins, Phil will play Tim in the first round of the playoffs.  If Bare loses, Phil will play Junebug.

  • If Bare wins OR if Chris loses, Bare will earn the final playoff spot and play Tim if Phil wins, or Junebug if Phil loses.  

  • If Bare loses, Chris wins, AND Chris outscores Bare by 35 points in Game 100, Chris will earn the final playoff spot and play Tim in the first round of the playoffs.

So, we will find out the answers to these scenarios on Tuesday.  The first round of the playoffs then will start on Friday.  This will give the teams in the playoffs a couple days to finalize their rosters.  Rosters will freeze on Friday, August 22 @ 6:00 PM.  **There is a Cubs-Orioles game on earlier Friday afternoon, obviously you'll have to have the lineups set with players from those teams if you're playing in the opening round.

PLEASE make sure you have your final playoff rosters by the above deadline.  There will be no exceptions to that rule.  This means if you have any players currently on your D.L. you must activate them and cut someone if you plan to use them at any point in the playoffs.  I have some tough decisions to make myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is Bill aware of this deadline? Can he possibly comply?