Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 ****Please note text string where it was pointed out that Atlanta apparently does not play on Wednesday or Thursday [insert eye roll emoji].  I believe that was something that was changed, but I could have missed it I guess.  I have never heard of a team having two planned days off in a row, period.   

Playoff game dates have been adjusted and will start on Saturday instead of Friday.  The question is do we spread out game 100 over three days now instead of two?  Or do we just move game 100 to Friday only, since all teams will play that day.  I'd love to hear from any of you on the matter, but specifically interested in what Bill, Phil, and Bare have to say before I make the decision, as you'll see below.  If I don't hear from those three tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, we will spread this dead odd last game over three days.  Wednesday, Thursday (SEA, NYY, OAK), and Friday (ATL).  

*And please everyone that is playing myself, Bare, Phil, and Bill, put in a lineup and try to play spoiler.


1.  Nate    62-37:  Win or Bare loss and will be #1 seed.  Lose AND Bare win will be #4 seed. ~280 point difference.

2.  Tim  57-42:  Clinched #2 seed (and first round bye) (Tim-Steve split season series), ~230 point difference.

3.  Steve  56-43:  Clinched #3 seed with explanation above.

4.  Bare  62-37:  Win AND Nate loss will be #1 seed.  Lose OR Nate win and will be #4 seed.

5.  Bones  54-45:  Clinched and locked in as #5 seed.

6.  Bill  52-47:  Win or Phil loss will clinch #6 seed.  Loss AND Phil win will be eliminated (holds tiebreaker over Phil).


7.  Phil  52-47:  Win AND Bill loss will clinch #6 seed.  Loss or Bill win will be eliminated.

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