Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I mentioned a couple days ago, but once again I have received a delivery failure email for those of you who have charter for your email. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I need you guys to check your email settings for spam filters. When I send an email with the subject: Moves, transactions, etc. they all seem the same, so they might be getting blocked on your end. I have no idea.

I will start posting transactions on a daily basis on the website I guess. But I'd still like you guys to be proactive with your email settings. Again, I'm talking to Crary, Bill, Dan, and Junebug.

**Also, Danny, you sent your latest lineup to my old email address which will be closed soon. Use this:


crardawgs said...

I'm getting everything.

Nate said...

are you sure? I think Bill might have the issue then. I'm not sure why it brings all you guys up in the failure to deliver notice, but if you're getting it and Bug and Danny are getting them, then this all has to do with Bill's lemon computer. I know everything I used to send him went in a junk mail folder. It'd probably take 30 seconds to fix it too.