Monday, July 6, 2009

Game 63 Finals

Nate 40.5
Tom 29.5


Tim 62.5
Chris 57.5


Bug 34.5
Mac 9


Nick 39.5
Bill 36


Dan/Matt 60.5
Crary 58.5 (OT)


Andy 50
Bare 34




Unknown said...

Mike Lowell was placed on the DL on 06.30.09. He has remained in my lineup through today. Thus, the in order to maintain competitive fairness, all players left in lineups should remain there.

In the past, there have been debates about this both in football and baseball, and Nate has previously been on record stating that he would replace players after missing I believe 3 games. Since Lowell has remained in my lineup beyond that, no player should be removed from any lineup at any time. What is good for one player is good for all. Selective player changes is not fair or acceptable.

Nate said...

As I explained in my email:

1. It is not my responsibility to know when a player is on the DL. Players sometimes sit a few games or pinch hit for a week, if I do know, I will probably send a message to that owner.

2. You yourself said to me a couple weeks ago that you were not ready to throw in the towel.

3. You have not made one move for next year at the expense of this year's team. If a team trades someone that is in their starting lineup, I WILL put a replacement in. If an owner decides to send an updated lineup with someone different, fine. But I will change it on my own right away. SEE Marco Scutaro in at SS for Danny and Matt today.

Unless it's blatantly obvious that a team has given up, I won't much to your lineup. Now, obviously if your 14 games out of the playoffs with 10 to play, that changes things a little. That ELIMINATES you, and in that case, if the situation calls for it, I may make a change.

There are plenty of teams on cruise control right now. I have questions all the time with who starts who. I'm not going to change a bunch of shit for anyone, even though I know that seems to be the perception (more on the football side).

Nate said...

And since I am chasing Tim and Nick for a playoff spot, the selective part of your statement makes no sense. I would have loved two sweeps for you Chris.