Monday, July 6, 2009


This year's trading deadline is fast approaching:


*Also, you MUST activate a player from our DL if he comes off the 'real' DL. Aramis Ramirez as of now, is the only one that has to be activated. But there are more coming...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Mike Lowell was placed on the DL on 06.30.09. He has remained in my lineup through today. Thus, in order to maintain competitive fairness, all players left in lineups should remain there.

In the past, there have been debates about this both in football and baseball, and Nate has previously been on record stating that he would replace players after missing I believe 3 games. Since Lowell has remained in my lineup beyond that, no player should be removed from any lineup at any time. What is good for one player is good for all. Selective player changes is not fair or acceptable.